• Welcome to my little corner of the internet. My name is Chelsea, I'm a self-taught cake maker, and I've been honing my skills for a whopping 3 years now. Yep, you read that right - I'm practically a cake-making prodigy!


    But don't worry, I'm not just some amateur baker. I take my craft seriously, which is why I'm fully insured. Safety first, right? And to prove it, I've got a shiny 5-star hygiene rating. That's right, my cakes are not only delicious, but they're made in a squeaky clean kitchen. You can trust that I've got cleanliness covered!

    🧼 🧼 🧼 

    Oh, and did I mention that I'm qualified in Food Safety and Hygiene Level 2? That's right, I've got the knowledge and skills to whip up mouthwatering treats while keeping everything safe and sanitary. So you can indulge in my cakes without any worries. 


    Now, I have to be honest with you. As much as I'd love to accommodate everyone's dietary needs, my home is not allergen friendly. But hey, that just means more cake for the rest of us, right?

    So, if you're looking for a cake that's made with love, skill, and a touch of quirkiness, you've come to the right place. Explore my delectable creations and let's satisfy that sweet tooth together!

🎂 Lookin' to bake a cake? We'll do it for you! Just let us know what you're looking for and for when! 🍰

Our previous work

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